Family Office Podcast - Private Investor & Investment Insights

In this episode of the Family Office Podcast Richard C. Wilson, founder of the Family Office Club, discusses the most popular real estate family offices invest in, real estate investment structures, what a family office considers before investing in real estate, and mistakes family offices make in real estate investing.

Family offices own billions of dollars in real estate–whether directly through personal holdings or indirectly through real estate investments and fund allocations.  Given the buying power that family offices represent in real estate, it is worth devoting time to understanding the unique factors that drive a family office’s real estate activities and what family offices look for in a real estate investment.  In this live webinar, we will examine real estate as an asset class, what criteria families often apply when evaluating these investments, and what types of real estate are attracting family office capital today, from multi-family to boutique hotels.

To learn more about family offices, become a charter member in the largest family office association in the work, The Family Office Club:



Direct download: Family_Office_Real_Estate.mp3
Category:Education -- posted at: 3:30am HST