Family Office Podcast - Private Investor & Investment Insights

In this podcast episode Richard C. Wilson talks about family office best practices. Recently, while writing "The Family Office Book: Investing Capital for the Ultra-Affluent" Richard was able to interview 36 top family office executives including $1B single family offices and top 30 multi-family offices. To learn more please download our free Family Office Report PDF on single and multi-family offices right now by visiting:

Direct download: 5_Family_Office_Best_Practices.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 2:00am HST

This podcast episode provides you with access to a 30 minute speech by Richard C. Wilson conducted at the IQPC Private Equity Conference on how to raise capital for private equity firms from family offices. The practical strategies presented here respect the privacy of family offices, and add value to them first. These tactics can be used to raise capital for other areas, and not just private equity. 

To learn more, and to get two chapters from Richard C. Wilson's best selling book, "The Family Office Book: Investing Capital for the Ultra-Affluent," please download our free Family Office Report PDF on single and multi-family offices right now by visiting:

Direct download: How_to_Raise_Capital_From_Family_Offices.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 2:00am HST

In this podcast episode, Richard C. Wilson discusses the future of the single family office industry before he presents at a Private Equity Conference. Learn more about the future of the single family office industry and some current trends and insights.

Recently, while writing "The Family Office Book: Investing Capital for the Ultra-Affluent" Richard was able to interview 36 top family office executives including $1B single family offices and top 30 multi-family offices. To learn more please download our free Family Office Report PDF on single and multi-family offices right now by visiting:

Direct download: The_Future_of_the_Single_Family_Office_Industry.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 2:00am HST

This podcast episode recorded in Prague talks about creating a single family office, what is required upfront, why the order of the steps is critical, and some insights from working with other ultra-wealthy families who have recently created their single family offices. To learn more about working together please visit and download our free report at

Direct download: Creating_a_Single_Family_Office.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 2:00am HST

Richard C. Wilson is a family office advisor working with family offices around the global, with a focus on single family offices and $1B+ ultra-wealthy families. In this podcast episode recorded on the Charles Bridge in Prague, Czech Republic Family office advisor, Richard Wilson shares his view of the family office industry from a high-level perspective after meeting with over 1,000 family offices in 20+ countries around the world. To learn more about using Richard as a family office advisor please call (212) 729-5067, email his assistant at or visit

Direct download: Family_Office_Advisor_-_A_View_of_the_Industry.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 2:00am HST